Our Response to COVID-19
- All adult Bible classes and worship services are broadcasting on our YouTube Channel.
- We continue to encourage our members who have underlying health conditions and those with any signs or symptoms of possible COVID-19 to worship at home using the live stream rather than coming to the building. If anyone needs the Lord’s Supper elements while remaining at home please email midtowncoc2017@gmail.com
- It is strongly recommended that everyone wear a mask upon entering and leaving the building and when 6 feet separation from other individuals is not feasible. This is not mandatory but is strongly recommended. There are masks available at the church building for those who would like to wear one but do not have one. Hand sanitizer will also be available at the building.
- Precautions will be taken to ensure that communion and contribution are managed in a sanitary way. Communion will be conducted using prepackaged Lord’s Supper elements.