Posts from May 2023
The Antiseptic Influence
An antiseptic is defined by the dictionary as “a substance that destroys or inhibits the growth or action of microorganisms (such as bacteria) especially in or on living tissue” (Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary). This medicinal substance is vital when trying to reduce the threat of infection, sepsis, or putrefaction on a person’s open wound, such as during a surgery. Today, we have a variety of antiseptics such as mouthwash, alcohol, and hydrogen peroxide, which can be readily purchased at a local…
Properly Placed Assurances
Paul, in his address to the Areopagus, spoke of the need for all men to repent and that a day has been appointed for judgment; those statements came with the assurance or proof in the resurrection of the Christ (Acts 17:30- 31). We overlook the gift of having an assurance from God. We want assurances when it comes to things we buy or promises made. With God, these assurances are a blessing. We can come to realize this assurance as…
Your Final Act Before the Final Trumpet
When Jesus foretold the time when not a single stone of that majestic temple in Jerusalem would rest upon another, the disciples asked for signs which would precede the destruction of that temple and the end of Judaism (Mark 13:4; Luke 21:7). The Lord gave at least eight distinct signs which would come before that event. He then foretold of another event which would happen for which there was one single sign to announce its coming. Jesus spoke of a…
If We Don’t Say No to Ourselves, We Can’t Say Yes to God
When we say yes to God’s plan of salvation for us, we have to say no to our old unsaved ways of life. I’ll explain this by looking at God’s plan of salvation. #1 Hear the gospel. “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17) When we first hear the gospel, our faith grows and we start to trust God’s ways for us. To be able to live a life of trusting God…