Three Keys to Victory Over Evil

Three Keys to Victory Over Evil

There may be sections of the book of Revelation which seemingly are difficult to understand, but there is one that can be easily understood and can be such a blessing to every Christian. We might struggle as we read chapter twelve, trying to discover the identity of the woman on the moon (v. 1) or what was meant by those 1260 days in wilderness (v. 5) or that war in heaven (v. 7). However, those who read this section for the first time can easily understand who the Child is who was born on the earth and then ascended into heaven. Even a child knows who He is.

Looking more carefully at this chapter, it becomes obvious who this Child was for He was destined to rule the nations. Those Christians in the seven churches in Asia would have known, because in chapter two, Jesus said that the Father had given Him authority over all the nations to rule them with a rod of iron (v. 26-27). Even the identity of that dragon who was seeking first to destroy that Child (v. 5) and then to destroy those on the earth who keep the commandments of God (17) is specifically explained to be Satan (v. 9). Those saints in Asia were in the midst of the attempt that Satan was bringing against them. Jesus had ascended into heaven, and the devil turned his wrath against them. The greatest question that faced them (and us) is how to defeat Satan’s work in their lives.

Three keys to overcoming Satan are given. The Bible shows how those early saints defeated him and shows us how we can overcome the trials that seek to destroy us today. It would be so foolish for us to overlook these three keys.

The first key is, “They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb” (v. 11). Sin destroys man’s relationship with God, but the blood of Jesus forever removes those sins, and God will never remember them. We begin our walk with the Lord by being washed in His blood (Rev. 1:5; Acts 22:16), and as we walk in the light, His blood continues to remove those sins from our relationship (1 John 1:7). You are righteous, not by self-righteous goodness of which you might boast about. You are not self-righteous, but you are blood-righteous.

The second key is, “They overcame him…by the word of their testimony.” When Satan brought all the powers of hell to tempt Jesus, he fled from Jesus because Jesus always said, “It is written” (Matt. 4). He will do the same if we use the word to answer every temptation and trial.

The third key is, “They loved not their lives to the death.” Self-preservation is the most motivating force for actions to every man. However, if you love the Lord enough that you will sacrifice your life before you would disobey Him, Satan has no way of tempting you! When we get the greatest commandment foremost in our lives, we can never lose to Satan!

-Dan Jenkins


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