Jesus, the Best Kind of Friend

Jesus, the Best Kind of Friend

Christian friends are an especially wonderful blessing. Having been redeemed by the blood of Christ and “joined together” in His one body (Eph. 2:16-22), our brothers and sisters in Christ should be our closest friends on this earth. Still, all friendships require work and diligent effort on our part to keep them strong and healthy. And, who would be a better teacher of the qualities, attitudes and conduct of a friend than Jesus Himself? Let’s consider this Friend.

Jesus saw potential in His friends (John 1:36- 51; Matt. 4:18-22). Jesus saw the best in them (Matt. 9:9). Jesus had compassion on His friends and provided for their needs (Matt. 9:36; 14:13-21; John 21:1-14). Jesus came down and stood on a level place with His friends (Luke 6:17). Jesus served His friends, even washing their feet (Matt. 20:28; John 13:1- 17).

Jesus comforted His friends in times of distress (Matt. 28:10; Luke 24:36; John 20:19- 21). Jesus stuck with His friends through the storms of life (Matt. 8:23-27; 14:24- 33). Jesus helped His friends, even in the middle of the night (Matt. 14:24-25). Jesus lent a hand to His friend, even when His friend was suffering the consequences of his own actions (Matt. 14:31). Jesus was troubled, groaned and wept at the grief and anguish of His friends (John 13:33-38). Jesus reassured His friends that with God all things are possible (Matt. 19:25-26).

Jesus defended His friends against unwarranted criticism of their actions (John 12:1-8). Jesus defended His friends when they were charged with a serious offense (Matt. 12:1-8; 15:1- 11). Jesus defended His friends against malicious slander, even when those friends were not around to defend themselves (Matt. 11:7- 19). Jesus spoke highly and favorably of His friends, especially to their critics (Matt. 11:11). Even when Jesus had friends who were going to betray Him and deny Him, He spoke of them and of their deeds in their presence, instead of behind their backs (Matt. 17:22; 20:17-18; 26:21-23, 33-35; John 13:10-11, 21, 26, 38; 6:70-71; Luke 9:43- 45). Jesus was so careful of what He said about Judas (even in his own hearing), that others did not even realize that He was talking about Judas (John 13:28-29). When Judas came to the garden to betray his friend, Jesus still greeted Him as “friend” (Matt. 26:50). When there was a conflict with one of His friends, Jesus dealt with it and resolved it one-on-one (John 21:15-17), an occasion that involved love and forgiveness.

Jesus prayed for His friends, both in their presence (John 17) and out of their presence (Luke 6:12-13). Jesus loved His friends to the end (John 13:1), even giving His life for them, as completely undeserving as they were (John 15:13; 10:10).

What kind of friend are you? Are you like Jesus?

-David Sproule


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