Article (Page 6)

Article (Page 6)

Let’s Talk About Hate

The topic of hate generates all sorts of thoughts and emotions. Unfortunately, we are living in a culture right now that is engulfed in bitter, bitter hatred. And, as much as some might try to rationalize their hatred for certain individuals, there is nothing rational about people hating people. How is a Christian to live in this kind of environment? Too often we “get sucked in” and begin to imitate the behavior (and the hatred) that we see around us.…

When It’s More Than You Think You Can Bear

What was it? Was it a health scare or diagnosis or uncertainty that grabbed you and wouldn’t turn your mind loose? Was it the sudden death of someone dear to you? Was it the dissolving of your marriage? Was it the unexpected revelation from a family member or friend that stunned your senses? You’ve been there. What was it that got you staggering a bit emotionally, mentally and even spiritually? How did you handle it? How did you get through…

Fulfilled in Their Own Time

Zacharias did not believe the words of Gabriel about the fact that he and Elizabeth were to be the parents of the forerunner of the Messiah. Instead of accepting the message from heaven, he thought what God had said just could not happen. How could two old people become parents? The answer from Gabriel gives us insight into the nature of prophecy. The angel said, “Behold, you will be mute and not able to speak until the day these things…

You Are Inadequate

Do you ever feel like you aren’t good enough? Despite all of your studying, you only managed to get a “C” on your test. Your presentation didn’t make the splash at the office that you thought it would. Or maybe you’re frustrated with your abilities as a parent. You just feel inadequate. Inadequacy is a feeling we may experience at a variety of times in our lives. We want to do a good job at what we do, and when…

The Faith of a Widow

For the last few years, America has had a struggling economy. One look at gas prices or a trip to the supermarket will show that there is a lot of uncertainty these days. To deal with this, many of us are giving much more attention to how we spend our time and money. We are weighing our priorities and are cutting out the things we see as less important. Where are we placing our priorities? In 1 Kings 17:8-16, God…

There is None Good, But God

Only two men in the Bible are described as good men, Joseph of Arimathea and Barnabas. However, there is that account of the ruler who came to Jesus and asked Him, “Good Master, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life” (Matt. 19:16)? The response of Jesus has troubled many Bible students, for Jesus seemingly rebuked him by saying there is only one who is good and that is God. Before discussing Jesus’ response, take notice…

How Do We Stay Encouraged

“How do we stay encouraged in a world full of struggles and letdowns?” It is easy to become discouraged, if we allow the trials and circumstances of life to determine our outlook and our level of joy and peace in life. The devil would enjoy nothing less than to watch us wallow in the cares and troubles of life and avoid all the contentment and encouragement that the faithful Christian can enjoy. So, how can the Christian stay encouraged in…

How do WE KNOW that all things work together for good?

Some Christians have a hard time believing and hard time explaining the statement in Romans 8:28 that says “all things work together for good to those who love God.” Why do they find it hard to believe or explain? Perhaps because the negative things in our lives are easier to focus on than the positive things. Perhaps because we become so accustomed to and expectant of the blessings that come our way that we overlook them when troubles come into…

Could Jesus Be Stopped from Obeying? Could You?

Jesus, the Son of God, came to John the Baptist to be baptized. Does that seem strange to you? It certainly seemed strange to John, who tried to prevent Him from doing it, saying, “I need to be baptized by You, and are You coming to me?” (Matt. 3:13-14). You know how Jesus responded. This desire of Jesus did not make sense to John, but it certainly did to Jesus. Our Lord said, “Permit it to be so now, for…

How Can I Know I’m Forgiven?

Even after being baptized for the forgiveness of sins, a child of God still finds that sin can creep back into his life. Sometimes it’s the same sin, over and over. We try to avoid it, but we are not always as successful as we’d like. We feel sorrow, shame, guilt. We pray, confess and beg and beg for forgiveness. But, sometimes we wonder how God could keep forgiving us. And, we might even wonder if He does. Sin is…

From Where Shall My Help Come?

It begins this way, “I will lift up my eyes to the mountains; from where shall my help come” (Psa. 121:1)? This psalm of ascents, as it was later dubbed, points to Jehovah God as the central agent of help for the believer. It is believed to be called a psalm of ascents because of its use by Jews during their pilgrimage to Jerusalem, much like that we see of Jesus and His family making in His youth (Luke 2:41).…

One Must Be “In Christ” to Be Saved!

There are some people who are very good at giving directions—they can tell you where something is and how to get there. Thankfully, we have a God who is “perfect in knowledge” (Job 37:16), for “His way is perfect” (Psa. 18:30). When He tells us where something is and how to get there (especially the most important directions of all, which concern the salvation of our souls), we can be confident that His Word will be precise and understandable. Let…