Article (Page 3)

Article (Page 3)

Three Keys to Victory Over Evil

There may be sections of the book of Revelation which seemingly are difficult to understand, but there is one that can be easily understood and can be such a blessing to every Christian. We might struggle as we read chapter twelve, trying to discover the identity of the woman on the moon (v. 1) or what was meant by those 1260 days in wilderness (v. 5) or that war in heaven (v. 7). However, those who read this section for…

It’s OK to Not be a Firstborn

There is no doubt that the Bible gives greater importance to the firstborn child in families. There is great responsibility for them, but in the Old Testament, they received a greater portion of the family inheritance. When God wanted to empress to the nation of Israel how important it was to Him, He did so by affirming that He was their Father, and they were His firstborn (Jer. 31:9). I am not a firstborn. Those who share my “plight” may…

What Will Be Written About You?

The Bible is filled with a great number of stories of men and women. Some are described as epic feats of strength and courage while others are emotional tales of faith and sacrifice. Within the recordings of their lives are examples given to us to draw lessons of how we should live. When we evaluate our lives to those found in the Scriptures, we may be intimidated. Who am I compared to a David or a Paul? After I’m gone,…

Jesus is the Prince of Peace

There must have been such great excitement in the heart of the Jews as they heard the prophecies of Isaiah of the coming Messiah. They would not understand them all, but it must have been fascinating to think about the Messiah as the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God and Everlasting Father. (We looked at these titles in the last three weeks.) And as war was all around them (with Assyria capturing the northern kingdom and then coming against the southern kingdom),…

The Hand of the Lord

One of the thoughts we find most comforting is summed up in that song which has the phrase, “He’s got the whole world in His hands.” Each verse then talks about how He has “you and me brother” and “you and me sister” and “the little bitty babies” in His hands. The very concept that we are cradled in the hands of God brings peace to our soul. The phrase, “the hand of the Lord,” is found thirty-nine times in…

Life is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

For the past two weeks, our world has been focused on the Olympics. The longest race in these contests, the marathon, is based both in name and distance of an event which occurred in 490 B.C. The New Testament world had such events, and it often mentions them in connection with the race in which every Christian participates. We must remember that our life is a race to receive a crown of glory. Far too many Christians see their lives…

Jesus Is the Wonderful Counselor

The great Messianic prophet Isaiah gives us so many beautiful pictures of Jesus Christ. The prophet himself had to stand in wonder at the things which he wrote, not even fully understanding them himself (cf. 1 Pet. 1:10- 12). There were some days of despair and gloom in front of Judah, as not only was Assyria going to capture the northern kingdom, but they would test the southern kingdom, as well. But, beyond these dark days there was coming a…

I Cannot Afford to Miss Heaven!

Heaven! The very word itself brings a pleasant calm and joyful spirit when we hear it. Heaven! Where we get to be with the Lord Himself forever and ever! Where we get to rest from our earthly hardships! Where we get to be united with the redeemed of all time! Heaven! This life is the only “preparation opportunity” that we have for heaven! God has graciously shown us the way (and what a glorious way it is!), but once this…

Jesus, the Best Kind of Friend

Christian friends are an especially wonderful blessing. Having been redeemed by the blood of Christ and “joined together” in His one body (Eph. 2:16-22), our brothers and sisters in Christ should be our closest friends on this earth. Still, all friendships require work and diligent effort on our part to keep them strong and healthy. And, who would be a better teacher of the qualities, attitudes and conduct of a friend than Jesus Himself? Let’s consider this Friend. Jesus saw…

Always Looking for the Can’t Verses

Too many people approach the Bible as some kind of book of do’s and don’ts. They go through the Bible, as it were, making a list of the things they can do and making a list of the things they cannot do. As they do this, they are often looking for the verses that specifically tell them that they can’t do something that they want to do. If this is your approach to the Bible, you have completely missed the…

After a While

It is remarkable to watch the growth of Peter. When this fisherman was first called to follow Jesus, he struggled. Jesus once said to him, “Get behind Me, Satan! For you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men” (Mark 8:33). You see this struggle as he denied, cursing and swearing that he did not even know Jesus. He serves as an example to keep serving Him and drawing near to Him. Think of how…

Where Are the Nine?

Similarities and differences. In any group of people, you will probably find similarities and differences. This is true in a third grade classroom, in a boardroom of executives, on a football field, in a grocery store, etc., etc. This was also true of groups of people that Jesus encountered. In Luke 17:11-19, Jesus met ten men. Now let’s consider their similarities and their differences. Similarities: all ten were men, all were lepers, all stood afar off, all asked Jesus for…