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Article (Page 2)

The Complete Revelation of God

When it comes to the Bible, one must be able to answer the question, “Is the Bible the complete revelation of God, or are there verbal revelations from God outside of and subsequent to God’s revelation of His will in the Bible?” The Bible clearly teaches that it is the complete revelation of God. “All Scripture is given by the inspiration of God” (2 Tim. 3:16). No part of Scripture was ever the result “of any private interpretation, for prophecy…

The Lord’s Church Came with Power

Can I ask you a question that you’ll just think about for moment? Step back, consider this, and formulate in your mind an answer to this question. “Where did the denominations come from?” Have you ever really thought about that? Depending on what researchers you trust, at the very least it can be stated that there are thousands of denominations in the world. (Let’s not quibble about the exact number but state it generally as “thousands.”) Where did they come…

Worthy vs. Unworthy

With the growing egocentric and entitled mentality that is spreading throughout humanity (and creeping into our families and the Lord’s church), we would do well to go back and meditate on the words of the great John the Baptist, of whom Jesus said, “there has not risen one greater” (Matt. 11:11). This forerunner of Jesus—of whom the Holy Spirit prophesied hundreds of years before his birth that he would prepare the way for the Lord (Matt. 3:3; Isa. 40:3)—proclaimed of…

Goads and Nails

When God heard young Solomon’s request, He responded and gave him wisdom above all men. “All of the kings of the earth who had heard of his wisdom, came to hear the wisdom of Solomon” (1 Kings 4:34). The wisest king “… sought to find acceptable words” (Ecc. 12:10) and then wrote these words, so by reading them we can share in his wisdom. Those who read these words of wisdom and write them in their hearts are men who…

Love Singing to One Another

The New Testament places a unique emphasis on singing as a part of corporate worship. As examined in a previous article, our singing is directed “to the Lord” for His praise and glorification. In fact, both Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16 (two key New Testament verses regarding singing) end with those three words, “to the Lord.” These two key verses underscore another significant element of singing in New Testament worship—the reciprocal nature of singing, not solely “to the Lord” (although…

The Path to True Wisdom

The serpent said, “God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil” (Gen. 3:5). Eve was in the “Garden of God” and was surrounded by the evidence of His existence. She was naïve and learning so much as she lived in that garden. The opportunity to be like God was given to her. She looked at the tree that was “…good for food, that…

Has He Ever Chastened You?

It is remarkable how easy it becomes to understand a difficult passage if we just look at the precise words found in that verse. Far too often we read a verse and assume we know the meaning of every word, when we do not fully understand how God uses that word elsewhere in the Bible. For example, hear these words from God. “For whom the Lord loves He chastens, and scourges every son He receives” (Heb. 12:6). We sometimes are…

More Important Advice to a Young Preacher

Last week, we looked at two vital aspects of Paul’s advice to a young preacher. When he wrote to Timothy, he expected to see him very soon, and this fact emphasizes the importance of the spiritual advice Paul gave to him. When an abbreviated message is sent it contains the most important information that should be remembered. As noted last week Paul told Timothy to first give attention to reading. Young preachers and those of all ages should remember this.…

Important Advice to a Young Preacher

Years ago, when letters were the primary source of communication those letters often were shorter if you knew it would not be long before you would see those you wrote. Later it was the phone call that was shortened with comments like, “I will tell you the rest when I get there.” Now it is text messages as we shorten them and just send the most important information as an abbreviated form. This same concept is seen in letters written…

The Shortest Book in the Bible

Last week we discussed the book in the Bible which has the fewest verses, so this week we look at Third John, which has the fewest words. What truths can be expressed in only 296 words? What is there in this book which caused God to include it in the Bible? This book from the apostle John is written to Gaius. Whether he is one of the three men named Gaius in the New Testament makes little difference. What is…

Five Short Books – Why?

There are five of the sixty-six books in the Bible which contain just one chapter. Some books have over 30,000 words in them, but all five of these books contain a total of less than 3,000 words! As you read these shorter books, think about why they are included in the Bible. Do not overlook such great truths that our Father gave in them to us. The Bible completely furnishes us (2 Tim. 3:16-17), and if these books were not…

One is NOT Two is NOT One

There are places in the Bible where when it discusses some vital truth it emphatically affirms, “There is one.” When these words are used it implies two truths. One truth is that that truth does exist. You can never say there is none when the Bible says there is one. The second truth is that this denies there could be two, three or even more. No mortal has any right to ever say there is none, nor to ever say…