Article (Page 15)

Article (Page 15)

I’m Fine, It’s Fine, Everything is Fine

“How are you?” “Doing fine, how about you?” “All good here.” How many of these sorts of conversations have you had? Pleasantries exchanged, nothing real, nothing significant and nothing helpful. Look, I know we don’t want to run down the list of all of our issues in every conversation, with every person we encounter. That being said, there should be a different sort of communication that we can engage in with those brothers and sisters within our spiritual family. The…

The Benefits of Being a Faithful Christian

Being children of God by faith in Christ Jesus is amazing to say the least. So many today, because of a lack of knowledge, have left the clear language of the Bible. Denominational jargon has not only infiltrated, but has overtaken the people of God in many locations. No longer is there a pure language among many in the church (Zeph. 3:9). Many have adopted the language of Ashdod, as the Israelites did when they left the Lord (Neh. 13:24).…

The Bible Speaks To Husbands

The struggle in our society to deal with changing roles in marriage should be lain squarely at the feet of husbands. The failure to live according to the Divine paradigm has produced a host of single moms, a generation of delinquent children, and a public willing to pass off every conceivable perversion as a “marriage.” If we are to reclaim a sense of godliness in design for a partnership that began in the Garden, men must step up to their…

The Righteous Shall Be Stronger And Stronger

Some of the most amazing words of faith found anywhere in Scripture are from the book of Job. Destroyed though innocent, Job concluded that only one had the power to bring such swift destruction. Why did God count him as an enemy (13:24; 19:11)? Why was God persecuting him (16:9)? Why was God crushing him without a cause (9:17)? Finite of mind and lacking all knowledge, Job was unaware that the adverse of God and man had swallowed him whole…

Is Life Worth Living?

How many times have you thought about your death? We might think how, when, and where is it going to happen. But what happens after we die? Some might think we are reincarnated. Others think there is nothing, we are just dead. As Christians we know there is a God who is ruler and judge of all. We know that one of two things will happen: we will either die and our spirit will go back to God, or Christ…

Outdated Preaching

Born to a priestly family, set apart from birth, sent with the spirit and power of Elijah, and called the greatest among women, John the Immerser was a man among men. He was part prophet, part trailblazer, John was all preacher. The gospel account of Luke records more of the content of John’s preaching and specifics of his ministry than Matthew or Mark (Luke 3:1-21). When the word of the Lord came to John (Luke 3:2), like with other prophets,…

The Character of God in the Old Testament

Eternal, good, gracious, loving, merciful, wise, holy, immutable, just, righteous, sovereign, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent are just a few of the attributes of God. When we speak of God’s attributes we are talking about those characteristics that help us understand who God truly is. It is noteworthy that those biblical characters who were greatly used by God had a burning desire to know Him. David said, “One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that…

Learning to Avoid Unnecessary Suffering in Life (Part 5)

CHOICE OF FRIENDS AND ASSOCIATIONS Avoiding suffering by prudently choosing good companions is emphasized from the opening of the book of Proverbs (cf. 1:10-18). The ancient Latin term for companion was “companionem,” literally “bread fellow.” (Online Etymology Dictionary) The word denotes a close relationship between two; so close they share bread. Proverbs 13:20 and 27:17 each underscore the importance of choosing friends and, in truth, stand in compliment with each other. He that walketh with wise men shall be wise:…

Learning to Avoid Unnecessary Suffering in Life (Part 4)

CHOICE OF HUSBAND AND WIFE Apart from the obedience to the gospel, there is no greater decision one will make than whom he chooses to marry. God made male and female and said “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). Jesus expounded upon this ancient order adding, “What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder” (Matthew 19:6). Originating from The…

Learning to Avoid Unnecessary Suffering in Life (Part 3)

PROPER USE OF THE TONGUE A second area wherein inspired wisdom’s counsel can help us to avoid unnecessary suffering in life is regarding the proper use of the tongue. Speaking out of turn, harsh tones, gossip, and discouraging words can all lead to needless troubles. Whispering and rumor-mongering have been the genesis of human tragedy throughout history. Gossip not only puts one’s soul in jeopardy (Proverbs 6:17-19), it brings about suffering to both the innocent and guilty. Solomon noted, “A…

Learning to Avoid Unnecessary Suffering in Life (Part 2)

The word of God not only teaches us how to “live soberly, righteously, and godly” (Titus 1:11-12), but also how to avoid unnecessary suffering. The Bible guides us practically as much as spiritually. A man who knows and walks in the wisdom of God not only has the hope and expectation of eternal life, he also lives a life of abundant joy on this earth (cf. John 10:10; Psalms 23). The book of Proverbs is as practical as the Psalms…

Learning to Avoid Unnecessary Suffering in Life

Various factors distinguish people; humanity naturally divides by gender and geographic origin, and social distinctions such as wealth, education, religion, politics, and social status also set apart peoples and nations. However, two factors serve as equalizers. These equalizers remove all class and distinction from humanity. Death is often referred to as the great equalizer. It is the appointment all living will one day keep (Hebrews 9:27). God declared, and the wise man observed, man’s body shall return to the dust…