Article (Page 14)
Barnabas – He Who Met the Need
As far as we know, the first introduction we have to Barnabas is found in Acts chapter 4. In this chapter we learn that his given name was Joses and he was a Levite from Cyprus. We also learn that the apostles “surnamed [him] Barnabas, (which is, being interpreted, The son of consolation)” (Acts 4:36). If the name was given because of Barnabas’ character, and most likely it was, then he was an encourager. Barnabas was one who met the…
John the Baptist: Prophet of the High Priest
As future evangelists in the church of Christ, we have seen the job postings for vacancies to be filled in local congregations. These job descriptions tell us if we either qualify for the job or even desire to pursue and attempt to achieve that position. Most are familiar with the protocol of securing a future career. But what if your job description was; “To turn the hearts of the fathers back to the children and the disobedient to the attitude…
Will 2022 Be The Year…(Continued)
With a full week of the New Year behind you, what has changed in your life from last year? What resolutions have you determined to keep? What resolutions have you already broken? How many New Year’s resolutions involved your spiritual life and involvement in the church? Last week we pondered what the year 2022 would be for us. Let’s pose a few more questions to direct our minds to our own work in the Lord’s kingdom. Will 2022 be the…
Will 2022 Be The Year…
The new year has arrived; it has been ushered in with celebrations and greeted with resolutions, most of which will fail. Rather than the annual bulletin article to encourage “spiritual resolutions,” let us consider a series of questions, each framed with the idea of “will 2022 be the year.” Will 2022 be the year that you make my life right with God? Am I walking in the light with God? If not, how long have I been living with my…
How to Excel in Personal Evangelism
The churches of Christ in America are on a steady decline. Over the past three years, we have lost 225 congregations and 55,334 members. Those who seek RATIONALIZATION minimize our losses by pointing to similar declines among our denominational friends. Those who seek EXPLANATION (should we dare say excuses) cite increased distractions, entertainment, secularization, busyness, and muchness. While all of these things may be true, it does not change the numbers. The only way to address this crisis is by…
He Came Down From the Mountain, But Not The Cross (Part 2)
He Came Down From The Mountain Of Honor To Become A Servant Prior to His descent to this world of woe, our Lord enjoyed honor and majesty alongside the Father. He basked in heavenly sunshine, and was worshiped by the angels (Heb. 1:6). He enjoyed the “power, and riches, and wisdom, and might, and honor, and glory, and blessing” (Rev. 5:12) deserving of the Godhead. Existing in the “form of God,” He “counted not the being on an equality with…
He Came Down From the Mountain, But Not The Cross
If the Sermon on the Mount were all that Matthew recorded, that small piece of inspired literature would declare the very majesty of the One Who spoke those words. The sermon now complete, our Lord leaves the mountain to enter His market place. The very first words we encounter as we enter the eighth chapter of Matthew capture our attention: “And when he was come down from the mountain” (8:1). Strictly speaking those half dozen English words describe His descent…
Keep Moving Forward
“Do not say, “Why were the former days better than these?” For you do not inquire wisely concerning this.” (Ecclesiastes 7:10) Have you ever thought, “I miss the old days?” Or, “Remember them good ole days?” Sometimes we get caught thinking about how good our past was and forget to continue looking forward. This problem has been around for many years. For example, consider the nation Israel. They were in bondage under Egypt and were taken out by the powers…
Look At The Christ
One of the most well-known paintings of Leonardo da Vinci is “The Last Supper.” Though fraught with biblical contradictions, it stands as the classic representation of Jesus with His apostles on this momentous occasion. Legend says that when Leonardo first revealed the painting to friends, they noted the attention to detail the artist had given, particularly to the fringe of the table cloth. Disgusted, da Vinci wiped away the ornate border and demanded, “Look at the Christ.” If you could…
We Trusted
In his gospel account, Luke records a conversation Jesus had with two of His disciples (Luke 24:13-31). This conversation took place following Jesus’ death and resurrection. Overwhelmed with grief and disbelief, these two disciples, one named Cleopas, were amazed that Jesus (whose identity was hidden) was unaware of the recent turn of events in Jerusalem. “Art thou only a stranger in Jerusalem, and hast not known the things which are come to pass there in these days?” was Cleopas’ reply…
He Hath Done All Things Well
There are incredible statements made about the life and character of various men and women in the Bible. Abraham is called “the Friend of God” (James 2:23). Moses was “very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth” (Num. 12:3). Paul identified David as “a man after God’s own heart” (Acts 13:22). And God himself said of the patriarch Job that “there is none like him in all the earth.” (Job 1:8) Of the many…
NEEDED: Faithful Servants!
The church of Christ is so blessed to have faithful men and women to glean from in the word of God. It has been men and women of God who have given us powerful examples of courage, tenacity, and service to God and man. When considering being a faithful servant today, some questions arise, such as “what is a faithful servant?” “What is required to be a faithful servant of God?” “Who can be one?” “How can service be accomplished?”…