Article (Page 13)

Article (Page 13)

Michaiah, One Who Spoke Truth

The Alliance During a visit with Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, Ahab, king of Judah, Ahab, king of Israel, requested that they form an alliance in going to battle to reclaim RamothGilead from the Syrians. Jehoshaphat expressed to Ahab his desire to unite to fight—if Ahab would inquire whether it was God’s will (1 Kings 22:4-5). The “A-lie-ance” With about 400 of his prophets assembled, Ahab asked, “Shall I go against Ramoth-Gilead to battle, or shall I forbear? And they said,…

A Word of Advice for Young People

Young people, you must realize that living in sin is an option, but it is not a good option. Some temptations may be greater for youth (2 Tim. 2:22). Many have tried it before coming to their senses (cf. Luke 15:17). Moses, educated in the ways of Egypt and understanding the lifestyle he could have led apart from God, chose to be associated with God and God’s people instead of enjoying “the pleasures of sin for a season” (Heb. 11:25-26).…

A Word of Advice for Grandparents

“Grandparent.” Whether applied to an aged and enfeebled nursing home resident or a marathon – running, mountain-biking, adventure-seeking 45-year-old, in many ears this word conveys only one image— old. My own grandparents seemed “ancient” during my own childhood, though they were all about the age I have now attained. Two were faithful Christians and two were not, yet all are precious to me, and their examples are a large part of who I am now. Solomon wrote, “The memory of…

Reactions to Others Sins

How do we react when those around us commit sinful acts? How do we react when those around us live sinful lives? It is probable that we react in one of the following ways: either we ignore the sin, so as to avoid confrontation, or we magnify the sin, to feel better about our own transgressions, or we get frustrated by the sin, and begin to develop wrong attitudes in our lives, or we correct the one who has sinned,…

A Word of Advice…For Parents

In Proverbs, Solomon invites us into the intimacy of his family circle. Twenty-three times1 in the book he addresses “my son.” Forty times he mentions mothers and fathers. Five times he mentions a wife (5:18; 6:29; 18:22; 19:13- 14) and five additional times he mentions a wise, virtuous, or gracious woman (possibly referring to his wife or a future daughter-in-law). Let’s allow the world’s wise man to give us the verbs we need to successfully prepare our children for heaven.…

Better to Have Integrity

Though often used to describe men, integrity is a word that is about as understood as it is a quality that is possessed. Webster’s Dictionary defines integrity as: “The state or quality of being entire or complete; wholeness; entireness; unbroken state” (Webster’s Dictionary, 1913). In this sense, integrity may refer to a structure or a foundation. If a foundation has lost its integrity, the building resting on that foundation will not stand because it’s lack of wholeness has deprived it…

Fortress of Solitude

What a mistake in that spring day of so long ago! What began as one man staying home alone ended with adultery, an illegitimate child’s death, the death of an innocent man, and the heartbreak and ruin of a family! How sin so easily ensnares us and our righteous judgment can be skewed and distorted by being alone in the wrong place! David could have gone with Joab. All the kings were going out to battle, why not David (2…

A Word of Advice…For The Church

The book of Proverbs is a collection of wise sayings that teach practical and moral lessons. Written by Solomon (Prov. 1:1), it served as instructions to make a son wise and knowledgeable (Prov.1:2, 8; 2:1; 3:1; et al.). Though the book was written as instruction to an individual, there are many proverbs we can apply to the church. Let us note a few to emphasize the importance of laboring in the work of the church. A working church is a…

Symptoms of a Thriving Church

Though the reality of weak and dying congregations of God’s people saddens us, we take comfort in the fact that there are many congregations throughout the world that are thriving. In addressing the 7 churches in Asia, Jesus highlighted the good along with the bad (Rev. 2-3). A careful examination of each address reveals important characteristics which are present in healthy and thriving churches. Congregations that are hardworking (Rev. 2:2- 3; 2:19). To the church at Ephesus Jesus said, “I…

Glory In This

Thus saith the Lord, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the Lord which exercise loving kindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the Lord (Jer. 9:23-24). The downfall of Israel was their failure to keep…

Symptoms of a Dying Church

How sad it is that so many congregations of the Lord’s people are dying. Sadder still, the fact that much of it could be prevented. Major health problems often advertise their presence through minor symptoms. Doctors recommend routine health screenings to look for signs of trouble. In many cases, if symptoms can be identified early then steps can be taken to prevent any major problems. The health of the church operates in the same fashion. By looking closely at symptoms,…

There Is A Difference

Generally speaking, members of the churches of Christ understand the difference between the Old and New Testaments. This difference contemplates more than narratives and historical events. The Old Testament and New Testament are distinctive in both character and content. The purpose of each is also unique. The contrasts seen in the parallels of these divisions of the Bible demonstrate the unique qualities of these two parts of the Bible, which together provide all truth revealed by God. The Old Testament…