The Church is a BIG Deal to Christ!

The Church is a BIG Deal to Christ!

“Well, that’s a typical preacher thing to say, isn’t it? Of course, a preacher is going to say that the church is a BIG deal to Christ! That’s what he’s supposed to say!” I guess someone could respond that way, but let’s approach this strictly from the viewpoint of the Bible. Let’s not give attention to what any ordinary man has said on this subject. What do we need to know about the church from Jesus’ viewpoint?

The church is a BIG deal to Christ, as it was His eternal plan! The Bible tells us that “before the foundation of the world” (Eph. 1:4), God planned for Christ to come and redeem mankind (1 Pet. 1:18-20), and His church was “the eternal purpose which He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Eph. 3:9-11). Now, that’s a BIG deal!

The church is a BIG deal to Christ, as it was the subject of His preaching from beginning to end! From the start of His ministry until the moment of His ascension into heaven, Jesus preached about His church (Matt. 4:17; 16:18-19). He taught multiple parables about it (Matt. 13) and gave instructions on how to enter (John 3:3-5) and how to live in it (Matt. 18:4; 20:20- 28). During the 40 days between His resurrection and ascension, He was “speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God” (Acts 1:3). Now, that’s a BIG deal!


The church is a BIG deal to Christ, as He paid the highest price imaginable to purchase it! The church was not an afterthought for Christ and the payment for it was not a surprise. The shedding of “the precious blood of Christ” (1 Pet. 1:19) was in the eternal plan of God, by which He “purchased” the church (Acts 20:28). Now, that’s a BIG deal!

The church is a BIG deal to Christ, as He devoted half of the New Testament to give instructions to His church! The purpose statement of First Timothy could really summarize the purpose of the books of Acts through Revelation: “that you will know how one ought to conduct himself in the household of God, which is the church” (1 Tim. 3:15). Now, that’s a BIG deal!

The church is a BIG deal to Christ, as He puts His saved safely inside of it! The church is the saved (Eph. 5:23), and the saved are the church (Acts 2:47). Jesus gave Himself to save the lost (Tit. 2:14), and when the lost are saved, He transfers them into “the kingdom” (Col. 1:13). Now, that’s a BIG deal!

The church is a BIG deal to Christ, as He is going to return one day to take only His church home to heaven! When “the end” comes, He is going to deliver “the kingdom to God the Father” (1 Cor. 15:24). Now, that’s a BIG deal!

Question: Is the church a BIG deal to you?

-David Sproule


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