Posts from February 2025

Posts from February 2025

Once a Goat, Always a Goat – Once a Sheep, Never a Goat

Church history shows there was a great rebellion against the Catholic Church in Europe in the 16th century. Who has not heard of Martin Luther and how he sowed the seeds for other Protestant churches who openly departed from the catholic (worldwide) church centered around the Vatican? At that same time, John Calvin, who was born in France but fled to Switzerland, and his writings became the basis for many of the doctrines so widely believed. There were no mainline…

It’s the Message, Never the Messenger

Corinth was located in the midst of the Grecian world characterized by orators and philosophers. Rome had conquered the Grecian world, but its culture in some ways had not changed at all. This magnifies the importance of what Paul said in his first letter to this city. “I was determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified” (1 Cor. 2:2). The power of the gospel to change the world is not determined by the skill…

“I Hope God Exists” vs. “I Know God Exists”

Is there any way that you can really know that God exists? Is believing there is a God like a wish? A wish is something we would like to happen, but there is little chance that it will. Is faith more like a dream that has nothing to do with reality? Or is faith more than an idle dream but there is some level of expectation that the dream likely will become a reality? We live our lives serving God,…

I was Baptized in a Denomination

If we ONLY had the Bible, what would we know about the church? Ponder that for a moment. If we ONLY had the Bible, what would we know about baptism? Ponder that for a moment. A third question, is everything being taught and done in the name of Jesus today in true accordance with Scripture? That just cannot be answered in the affirmative. So, when it comes to matters of faith, matters of truth, matters of doctrine, matters of righteousness,…