Posts from December 2024

Posts from December 2024

Having a True “Happy New Year”

How many times in the last few days have you heard these words, “Happy New Year”? Probably far more than you can remember. These words may have various meanings depending on one’s background and their own personal values. Have you ever considered the spiritual aspects and implications of this phrase? Jesus’ words in the Sermon on the Mount can so easily help us to see that the Bible speaks of happiness, not just at the beginning of a year, but…

Greet One Another

There may be certain parts of Scripture that we think only applied to first-century Christians and we just skip over them. But, perhaps we should take a closer look. Consider for a moment the numerous times that Christians were directed to “Greet one another.” That still applies today. First, think about the word, “Greet.” The Greek word literally means, “to draw to oneself.” It is defined as, “to engage in hospitable recognition of another through word or gesture, welcome, express…

The Complete Revelation of God

When it comes to the Bible, one must be able to answer the question, “Is the Bible the complete revelation of God, or are there verbal revelations from God outside of and subsequent to God’s revelation of His will in the Bible?” The Bible clearly teaches that it is the complete revelation of God. “All Scripture is given by the inspiration of God” (2 Tim. 3:16). No part of Scripture was ever the result “of any private interpretation, for prophecy…

The Lord’s Church Came with Power

Can I ask you a question that you’ll just think about for moment? Step back, consider this, and formulate in your mind an answer to this question. “Where did the denominations come from?” Have you ever really thought about that? Depending on what researchers you trust, at the very least it can be stated that there are thousands of denominations in the world. (Let’s not quibble about the exact number but state it generally as “thousands.”) Where did they come…