Posts from September 2024

Posts from September 2024

It’s OK to Not be a Firstborn

There is no doubt that the Bible gives greater importance to the firstborn child in families. There is great responsibility for them, but in the Old Testament, they received a greater portion of the family inheritance. When God wanted to empress to the nation of Israel how important it was to Him, He did so by affirming that He was their Father, and they were His firstborn (Jer. 31:9). I am not a firstborn. Those who share my “plight” may…

What Will Be Written About You?

The Bible is filled with a great number of stories of men and women. Some are described as epic feats of strength and courage while others are emotional tales of faith and sacrifice. Within the recordings of their lives are examples given to us to draw lessons of how we should live. When we evaluate our lives to those found in the Scriptures, we may be intimidated. Who am I compared to a David or a Paul? After I’m gone,…